Common Green Lacewing

Chrysoperla carnea group – I am always taken by the delicacy these insects possess. These are very much respected in the garden as they eat large numbers of aphids and mites. If you wish to learn more about these fascinating insects please click on the link below. Double-click image to enlarge.

Neuroptera: The Lacewings

Common Green Lacewing Chrysoperla carnea group

© Peter Hillman ♦ 9th April 2020 ♦ Rear garden, Staffordshire ♦ Nikon D7200

Sisyra nigra

Sisyra nigra

Wingspan 10-12mm. This small fly which rests with its wings in a tentlike fashion and resembles a brown lacewing is actually a Spongefly from the family Sisyridae within the order of Neuroptera. Note the antennae are completely dark compared to other similar species of which there are three in Britain within the same genus Sisyra.

The larvae are entirely aquatic and feed within the tissue of freshwater sponges. This is the most common and widespread species encountered, and is seen in association with slow-moving or static water. The adults are seen May to October.

Double click on image to enlarge.

August 2017, attracted to moth trap, rear garden, Staffordshire, England.

Of Finest Lace

Common Green Lacewing Chrysoperla carnea

This is the Common Green Lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea). If you have these in your garden you are in good hands, as these insects will eat up your greenfly in great numbers. Note how fine and delicate the wings are, and the tiny hairs which help identify this species of Chrysopidae, which is a subfamily in the insect order of Neuroptera.

Common Green Lacewing Chrysoperla carnea

Common Green Lacewing Chrysoperla carnea

Please click on an image for a larger more detailed view. Clicking a second time may get you a little closer.

Rear garden, Staffordshire, England. June 2017.

Micromus variegatus

Micromus variegatus

The wings of this small lacewing have distinctive brown markings. Length 8mm.

Micromus variegatus

Like most lacewings, they feed on aphids.

Mainly seen July and August. They inhabit many well vegetated habitats, including hedgerows and gardens. Common and widespread throughout.

Photographs of Micromus variegatus, taken June 2015, rear garden , Staffordshire. © Pete Hillman 2015. Camera used Nikon D3200, with Sigma 105mm macro lens.

Common Green Lacewing

Chrysoperla carnea

A pale green species with clear green wings which are held tent-like over the body when at rest. This species lacks the dark head markings other similar species are identified by, but has a light yellowish-green stripe running down the centre of its body. Overwintering adults can be straw-coloured with red spots on the abdomen. Length 15mm.  Similar to Chrysopa perla.

Both adults and larvae are avid aphid eaters, and can decimate numbers, so much so they are used as a biological pest control agents.They not only feed on aphids, but other small insects like mites and leafhoppers. The adults also eat pollen and honeydew.

Seen all year round. Found in all types of vegetation, along woodland rides, in hedgerows, and also gardens. They are often seen at dusk as weak fliers, and they are attracted to light at night. Common and widespread.

Photographs taken  July 2015 and June 2016, rear garden, Staffordshire. The adult above was attracted to the light of my moth trap.