Katiannidae genus nov.1. sp. nov.2

Katiannidae genus nov.1. sp. nov.2

You may be wondering what an earth this blog title means? Well, coincidently for me, this is another of those species which has yet to be given a proper name!

Katiannidae genus nov.1. sp. nov.2

This is a globular springtail of around 1.5-2 mm (around 5/64 in). It has to be the prettiest and perhaps the cutest I have seen, and has now become my favourite.

Katiannidae genus nov.1. sp. nov.2

It is believed to have been imported from Australasia and associated with the horticultural trade. That is all the information I have been able to gain so far regarding its origin. There is no knowing its status here in the UK, either.

Katiannidae genus nov.1. sp. nov.2

It appears to be fairly variable, and is seen in gardens and parks, and probably allotments and garden centres. I believe the bottom image may be a juvenile as it was smaller than the individuals above.

Katiannidae genus nov.1. sp. nov.2 juvenile

36 thoughts on “Katiannidae genus nov.1. sp. nov.2

    • Peter Hillman

      Thank you, Brian ๐Ÿ™‚ They can be tricky little devils as they hardly stop moving and because of their small size. Even with the 105 macro lens and the Raynox adapter clipped on the end I have still had to crop to get closer, but glas they came out as well as they did ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    • Peter Hillman

      Thank you, Steve. I have always had a thing for these globular springtails since discovering my first one some years ago. They are almost like cartoon characters. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. shoreacres

    I notice the one you thought might be a juvenile doesn’t have any spots. Could that be another identifying mark for the young’uns? Maybe they don’t get their spots until they mature.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Peter Hillman

      I might be wrong, of course, as there is very little information on these collembola to be found at present, but because they were within the same group and they have those faint speckles on the flanks, they may well be related.


  2. Anne

    Well, you certainly DO get down to the nitty gritty – was this one on/in your garden shed too? Having looked at these photographs a few times, I get the impression that they have an interesting character: the first one looks as though it is about to enjoy a belly-laugh at the photographer!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Peter Hillman

      They are around in very high numbers but seldom seen because of their size and where they hide. Most are only a couple of mm long, yet they can have so much beautiful colour and pattern. Lifing loose bark, rocks, looking closely at fallen leaves or plant vegetation with a mind to focus the eye on moving dots or something out-of-the-ordinary helps a little ๐Ÿ™‚

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  3. Vicki

    That little bug has to be one of the cutest I’ve ever seen. The head and face resemble an impish little toddler just out to explore its surroundings. How could one not fall in love with the tiny insect in the last image.

    Definitely smiling.

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