Ghosts In The Weir

Ghosts In The Weir

I see the white wisps of a great horse being swept along on a rolling wave.

I see a young lost soul looking out from a dark hollow shaped like a heart.

I see the rippling spine of a soaring Snow Dragon as it swoops and glides by.

I see an ancient stone colossus peering through the misty curtain of time.

What do you … see …?

Ghosts In The Weir

These were amongst my first experiments with shutter speed and water. And I suppose my imagination can get the better of me sometimes πŸ™‚

November 2016, local canal, Staffordshire. Β© Pete Hillman

37 thoughts on “Ghosts In The Weir

  1. Diana

    Pete! You have given me the goosebumps in your sweet foray into fantasy. You are so much more than a talented photographer 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Vicki

    There’s definitely a stallion bucking and screaming wildly in the second image…… πŸ™‚

    I spent some time playing with shutter speed (on a tripod) and finally decided I liked 1/20th as being my favourite water flow, especially as the tide covers rocks down at the beach.

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    • Pete Hillman

      I am glad you can see him, Vicki! It is great to experiment with shutter speed and water. I had never tried that often before, so very much a learning curve.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Pete Hillman

        Around 10 to 20, but it depends on how much detail I want to preserve in the water. It can be quite a challenge at very slow speeds because you should really use a tripod, but I don’t, so any slower I need good support.


  3. exploringcolour

    I didn’t initially see the ‘snow dragon’ but now, many hours later, I’ve immediately seen the eye and then the whole snow dragon and its BEAUTIFUL! Oh, that’s my favourite!

    Liked by 1 person

      • exploringcolour

        It makes me want to draw the Snow Dragon and compose a poem but I’m not much good at either so don’t hold your breath! But seriously, if I wanted to share your photo on EC and invite anyone interested to post a picture or poem on their blog about the Snow Dragon (and put a link in the comments on my post) – would this be ok with you – just mulling it over at present. I’d call it “Pete’s Dragon” hahaha! American movie of that name was shot in our nearby town of Tapanui a couple of years back!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Pete Hillman

        πŸ™‚ It would be my pleasure, Liz πŸ™‚ I am so happy you have been creatively inspired so! I will look forward to it πŸ™‚

        Please note I will be away from WP for a few days in case you do not hear from me.

        Liked by 1 person


    I see feathers and dragons and Godly fights ❀ I love your poem, Pete..and your pictures. ❀ As someone said, you are more than a talented photographer, and I am happy to see your poems along with the pictures. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. peggyjoan42

    Nice post. I think we could see things in water just as we do in the white fluffy clouds. Love your description of things that you could see. That first photo is a huge alligator with a piercing eye – ready to snatch his prey.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. jillslawit

    In the second image I see a white bull on a watery charge, dashing restlessly and relentlessly forward, like life itself. Judging by the comments, you have certainly got everyone’s imaginations flowing. Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pete Hillman

      Nice one, Jill! Thank you for your contribution! I think it is wonderful how we can all see something different in the same image! πŸ™‚


  7. exploringcolour

    Hello Pete! Hey, I think I can be confident you’re ok with this but I’m giving a talk to a small group of people at an art gallery in Dunedin on Sunday about Colour and about my blogging experience. One of the many things I’d like to share is the Snow Dragon in the weir photo that kicked off all our dragon fun! Just give me the ok on that – would you please?

    Liked by 1 person

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