Last One Standing

Large Rose Sawfly Arge pagana larva

Or maybe I should I titled this blog ‘Last One Munching’. I have been watching these Large Rose Sawfly (Arge pagana) larvae for the past few days, and how they have chobbled on my rose leaves and how they have grown fat on them. This is the final instar stage and the others had dropped off the leaf into the garden border to pupate, and this was the last remaining one, still merrily chomping away. This was yesterday afternoon. This afternoon it had gone, too. Below are some images I took a few days earlier.

Large Rose Sawfly Arge pagana larva

I couldn’t believe that with all those rose-bush leaves they were all trying to nibble on what little was left of this one.

Large Rose Sawfly Arge pagana larva

September 2017, rear garden, Staffordshire, England.

20 thoughts on “Last One Standing

  1. shoreacres

    My word! These are as — fascinating — as caterpillars. Apart from the markings and all that, I was interested in the way the larva has its nether end up in the air in the first photo. I’ve noticed dragonflies doing this. Have you ever read about that behavior having a purpose for the sawfly larva, or did you just catch it stretching? πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jude

    Wonderful macro Pete! In the first pic it looks like the little larvae’s brakes failed and he shot down the leaf and is now hanging on for dear life!

    Liked by 1 person

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