Lucilia sericata

Sometimes called the ‘Common Green Bottle Fly’ or the ‘Sheep Blow Fly’, it is one of the commonest and best known flies. Very distinctive with its metallic green colouring and dark bristles, but it can also have a metallic copper green tinge as well. It is often found basking on walls, fencing or vegetation. And it is also one that will readily enter houses. It is similar to other ‘greenbottle’ species, so care has to be taken in identification.

Lucilia sericata male

It can be seen most times of the year, but mainly during the summer months. Found in various habitats, but especially where there is human habitation. The females can lay many eggs which can result in a maggot infestation in exposed meat products. They can also infest sheep causing sheep strike, which is an invasion of living tissue which has to be treated quickly or the sheep may die.ย  Lucilia sericata is commonly used in human medical treatment of wounds, and is called ‘maggot therapy’. The larvae feed on dead tissue and bacteria which may cause infection. These maggots also play an important role in forensic science when trying to determine time of death.

Lucilia sericata male

July 2017, rear garden, Staffordshire, England.

8 thoughts on “Lucilia sericata

  1. Vicki

    Great images, Pete. Beautiful light, in fact all your insect images have good light (which is something I’ve seen amiss in many other Photographer’s insect macros).
    We all have different taste in photographing certain subjects, but I, like you, prefer that head sharpness and narrow DOF, which may blur the rest of the body, depending on angle of shot of course.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pete Hillman

      Thank you very much, Vicki ๐Ÿ™‚ The light is from a speedlight flash which has been diffused or bounced. Without it I wouldn’t be able to narrow my aperture ro f22, which is my preference to try to max detail. Flash can still be quite a challenge to use though. It takes 4 AA batteries, so with the macro lens it makes the camera heavier. Flash does not alway works so well on the moths because the scales are so reflective, so I try to use natural light, but that is not always possible.

      Liked by 1 person

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