Morning Fox On The Roof

Red Fox Vulpes vulpes

Early this morning as I got up for work I looked out my bedroom window. What should I see on my garage roof? A beautiful young fox. I barely managed to open the blinds enough to get a reasonable few shots in, and dared not open the window, so these were taken through glass. It was quite a nervous young thing, especially when my camera shutter made a few noises, and she or he looked directly down my lens.

Red Fox Vulpes vulpes

There must be something about my garage roof, for every once in a while I find a fox up there.

Red Fox Vulpes vulpes

Red Fox Vulpes vulpes

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) rear garden, Staffordshire, England. September 2017.

Fox Upon The Roof #2

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)

About an hour ago I had a wonderful visitor who looked wet through to the bone after a heavy night’s rainfall, and looked a little worse for wear with what looks like a dirty cobweb strewn across his or her nose.

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)

I photographs this young Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) through the glass of my bedroom window as it walked across my garage roof, sat down for a short while, before moving off. I was afraid of opening the window for fear of frightening it off, as it already appeared somewhat skittish.

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)

It has been some years since I have been able to photograph one of these wonderful creatures, so I was quite happy indeed.

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)

Photograph taken of Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) August 2016, rear garden, Staffordshire. © Pete Hillman 2016. Camera used Nikon D3200, with Nikon 70-300mm telephoto zoom lens.

Fox Upon The Roof

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)

Some years ago I discovered foxes favoured my garage roof to relax. I would look out of my bedroom window, and to my surprise I would see them just chilling out and warming themselves in the golden rays of sunlight.

This was rather unusual to see as the foxes around here are normally quite shy and wary of humans, and are only seen at night.

But here they was, and for a few days after, months and years they would appear in exactly the same spot on the garage roof.

Even a new generation came to partake in this leisurely pursuit …

And maybe the same one a few months later …

The Red Fox has reddish fur with a long bushy tail and white undersides. The head is long and pointed with large ears which are extremely sensitive, and they can hear a mouse squeak at a distance of 100m.

They live in family groups, mainly establishing stable home ranges by marking their territories with urine. The group is led by a mated pair which monopolise breeding, and the subordinates in a group are usually the young of the pair. Subordinate foxes help in rearing vixen kits, and when they are old enough and the provision is there they will leave their family unit to win a territory of their own to enable their own reproductive cycle. They reproduce once a year in the spring, where the vixen gives birth to a litter of four to six cubs which are blind to begin with. The male helps brings food to the den until they are independent at between three to five months. The den maybe within thick vegetation or amongst dense tree roots. Foxes will also burrow into hillsides and live beneath the earth, especially in harsh winter conditions. Burrows can be up to 2.5 metres deep, formed with interconnecting tunnels and cave system. The main passage can be up to 17 metres in length. The city fox scavenges for food amongst the human waste we leave behind in bins or as litter on the ground, but it will also predate on pet rabbits and guinea pigs left outside in cages when it can. It will also hunt down wild animals such as rodents and leporines. As omnivores, they will also feed on insects and fruit, and even earthworms. They can live up to 10 years.

This solitary nocturnal hunter is rarely seen in the daytime where it lies amongst dense vegetation, instead preferring the shelter of the dark to hunt and prowl the countryside or urban streets. They are a common and widespread species.

Photographs taken February 2009 and August and November 2011, in rear garden sunning on garage roof, Staffordshire.