The Ant Eater

Lepthyphantes tenuis

Lepthyphantes tenuis

This is one of the Linyphiidae, the tiny ‘Money Spiders’. Identification of these is very tricky, it may be Lepthyphantes tenuis, but I can’t be certain, except it is definitely a Lepthyphantes species. I discovered this in my garage this morning, and you can see how small it is. In the images above can you see that crinkled pale pod like thing caught in the web behind it? That is an ant pupa casing.

Lepthyphantes tenuis

Lepthyphantes tenuis


Garage, Staffordshire, England. July 2017.

Erigone atra

Erigone atra

I discovered this tiny money spider floating in mid-air attached to a sliver of fine silk as I stepped out into my back garden last year. A very small, shiny black spider with yellowish brown legs in females and reddish brown legs in males. One of several similar species. Body length up to 2.88mm.

Erigone atra

A very common aeronaut, often seen ballooning through the air on a silk thread. It feeds on flies and other winged insects which may fly into their webs.

Erigone atra

Seen throughout the year. Found in a variety of habitats. A common and widespread species throughout Britain.

Photographs of Erigone atra taken July 2015, rear garden, Staffordshire. © Pete Hillman 2015. Camera used Nikon D3200, with Sigma 105mm macro lens.

Common Hammock-weaver

Linyphia triangularis

Common Hammock-weaver (Linyphia triangularis)

One of the larger Linyphiidae species, the abdomen is longer than wide, and appears dark brown with white or yellow streaks forming a distinct pattern. Body length up to 7mm.

Common Hammock-weaver (Linyphia triangularis)

It makes a sheet-web in shrubs with scaffolding threads above and below. The spider hangs upside down under the web, waiting for prey to fall down and be caught. It feeds on flies and other winged insects which may fly into their webs.

Common Hammock-weaver (Linyphia triangularis)

Adults are seen June to October. Found on lower shrubs in woodland, grassland, parks and gardens. A common and widespread species throughout Britain.

Photographs of Common Hammock-weaver (Linyphia triangularis) taken July 2015, rear garden, Staffordshire. © Pete Hillman 2015. Camera used Nikon D3200, with Sigma 105mm macro lens.