Mr Badger Pays a Visit

This was taken some years ago when I had the most fortunate experience of having this extraordinary badger visit me over a fairly long period. I often wonder what ever became of him, but cherish these once in a lifetime moments.

You can learn more of my experience through my Badger Diary.

You can learn more about badgers by clicking on the image below:

European Badger (Meles meles)

31 thoughts on “Mr Badger Pays a Visit

    • Pete Hillman

      Thank you, Vicki πŸ™‚ He usually visited anytime from between just after dark and the early hours, but mostly seemed to get into a routine so there was a good chance I would spot him if I was patient enough to wait for him. He had got quite used to the outside lights, so this was a great help for me in fliming and photographing him, otherwise I would have struggled getting any good imagery.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Pete Hillman

      Thank you for watching, Snehal πŸ™‚ He loved his food, and would eat cheese, peanuts, apples, and any leftovers πŸ™‚ I think he put on weight as time went by, but I know they store fat for reserves in the winter.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Snehal Kank

        Oh Really! Thank for the info friend! I was not aware of this. πŸ‘πŸΌ

        Liked by 1 person

    • Pete Hillman

      Thank you, Belinda πŸ™‚ It was trully a wonderful experience and one of life’s highs for me. He visited from July 2012 until the end of 2014, after then I don’t know what happened, but a fox appeared in its place for a while, eating the peanuts I had been putting out.

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  1. Eliza Waters

    Great video – how wonderful that you were able to film him/her, as I’d read they are quite shy and elusive. Peanuts are probably worth the risk, however!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pete Hillman

      Thank you πŸ™‚ At the time it was eating peanuts, which badgers simply adore, and chunks of cheese. But they will eat most things. Peanuts and cheese has to beat worms, any day πŸ™‚


  2. Didis Art Design

    Dear Pete,

    Very sweet video with Mr. badger πŸ™‚
    In free nature I did not see him only once heart him in a forest working under an old tree to build his cave. Our dog was running after him and disappeared in the cave and there was a fight going on. Our dog came back and was bitten in the nose – (he defended his home) – but nothing serious…

    Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚
    Have a nice day

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pete Hillman

      Thank you for your lovely comment and for sharing your experience of your meeting with a badger, Didi! Rather unfortunate your dog got bitten, but I am glad all was well πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Michael Griffiths

    I like badgers; they are getting bad press. The marsh herd are grazing around half a dozen badger setts at the moment. The badgers forage unbelievably close the cattle’s legs: harmony and cooperation at its best.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. peggyjoan42

    Use to see several badgers when we lived out West in Arizona. They are nothing to play with, they can get quite mean. But your video is wonderful, I enjoyed seeing a badger in such a peaceful setting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pete Hillman

      Thank you, Peggy πŸ™‚ One has to respect these magnificent mammals, and realise that they are indeed wild animals. And although the badger that used to visit me was but a few feet away from where I observed him, he was always as wary of me as I was of him. Most times they are skittish creatures at best, but corner one and you could lose a hand, they are so powerful. But thankfully all was indeed peaceful, he had his evening dinner, and I had the pleasure of watching him πŸ™‚

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      • peggyjoan42

        Yes you do have to respect badgers. So glad you got to video tape one of these magnificent creatures.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Pete Hillman

      Thank you very much, Ark πŸ™‚ Not a pro, but have been making music on and off since the mid 1980s. More of hobby, like my photography. Too busy working 9 till 5 to pay the bills to be able to do much more πŸ™‚

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  5. Brian Skeys

    We have badgers visit the garden most nights. I borrowed a night vision camera which provided some films of them. The problem is they can do a lot of damage in the garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pete Hillman

      I think I was very lucky, for my badger was just visiting and he never really done any damage. I know once they make your garden their home they can become quite a serious problem. Still, a great experience for me, and very special. Not many people get to see them in their lifetime like we have πŸ™‚


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