Firerug Inkcap

Coprinus domesticus

Firerug Inkcap (Coprinus domesticus)

This is a pale inkcap, found often growing out of a mat of ginger-coloured mycelium (the vegetative part of a fungus which is often hidden in the soil or other substrates). It is egg-shaped to begin, becoming bell-shaped or flatter and deeply grooved. It is cream coloured with an ochre centre, maturing dark grey. The cap is covered in a veil of white scales which soon disappear. The cap grow up to 3cm in height, and the stem up to 15cm tall. The gills are white to being with, then grey,  eventually turning ink-black.

Firerug Inkcap (Coprinus domesticus)

It fruits spring to summer, or when weather becomes milder. Found on the dead wood of deciduous trees. It is also sometimes found on burnt ground arising from buried wood. Uncommon but widespread.

Firerug Inkcap (Coprinus domesticus)

Photograph of Firerug Inkcap (Coprinus domesticus) taken January 2012, local wood, Staffordshire. © Pete Hillman 2012. Camera used Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ38.