Under Leaves, Over Leaves

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Birch Catkin Bug Kleidocerys resedae

There are almost 70 species of Hemiptera (True Bugs) on this site, yet there are almost 2,000 species in Great Britain. Turn over a leaf or having a look amongst them will turn up all kinds of true bugs, adult and nymph stages.

Phylus (Phylus) coryli – nymph

They are a very diverse group of insects, and here is but a small selection of some of them which I discovered in my small back garden.

Stenodema (Brachystira) calcarata
Eurhadina loewii
Campyloneura virgula – nymph
Zygina sp.
Common Flower Bug Anthocoris nemorum – feeding on aphid
Athysanus argentarius

For more species and more detailed information please visit below: