Springy Turf-moss

Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus

Springy Turf-moss (Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus)

This moss forms dense tufts or mats, has distinctive red stems, and the way the shoots bend backwards gives the moss a star-like appearance. Fruiting is very rare.

Springy Turf-moss (Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus)

Found on damp grass and banks in woodland, by streams and in marshes, and often in lawns. Common and widespread.

Photographs of Springy Turf-moss (Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus) taken February 2014, nature reserve, Staffordshire. © Pete Hillman 2014. Camera used Nikon Coolpix P500.

Bank Haircap Moss

Polytrichum formosum

A fairly distinctive medium-sized moss with bright green leaves which are 1cm long with a pointed tip which are arranged around the stems in a spiral fashion.

Found all year round in deciduous woodland, heaths and moorland. Frequent and widespread throughout.

Photographs taken January and March 2014, local wood, Staffordshire.