Lime Plant Bug Phytocoris (Phytocoris) tiliae

Class INSECTA (insects) | Order HEMIPTERA (true bugs) | Suborder HETEROPTERA (true bugs)
Infraorder CIMICOMORPHA (cimicomorph bugs) | Superfamily Miroidea
Family Miridae (plant bugs) | Genus Phytocoris
___Species Phytocoris (Phytocoris) tiliae (Fabricius, 1777)

Body length 6-7 mm. Phytocoris species have a distinctive appearance due to the long hind femora and long 1st antennal segment. This is an attractively marked greyish-green species, which has distinct black mottling on the wings. The ground colour varies from silver-grey to lime-green.

Life History
They predate on other insects.

When Seen, Habitat, Status & Distribution
Seen June to October on a range of deciduous trees, particularly oaks, in woodland. Common and widespread throughout Britain.

Species attracted to moth trap light.

Aug. 2021. Back garden, South Staffordshire
Aug. 2021. Back garden, South Staffordshire

All photographs copyright © Peter Hillman
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