Chestnut Slug Deroceras (Deroceras) invadens

Family Agriolimacidae
___Deroceras (Deroceras) invadens Reise, Hutchinson, Schunack & Schlitt, 2011

Length 25 to 35mm. Also called the ‘Brown Field Slug’ or the ‘Tramp Slug’, it has a translucent grey-brown body, although it may be darker. The mantle is usually tinged chestnut, and it usually, but not always, has a pale ring around its respiratory pore. It has a very short keel. The mucus is colourless. Quite a fast-moving slug.

Life History
This slug can be a significant pest in gardens, allotments and nurseries and will eat many types of plants and seedlings.

When Seen, Habitat, Status & Distribution
Found in woods, but especially parks and gardens. Discovered under logs, stones and paving. Introduced to Britain and Ireland in the early 1930s, and has spread rapidly since 1975 and has become common and widespread.

Aug. 2020. Back garden, South Staffordshire
Sept. 2021. Back garden, South Staffordshire
Sept. 2021. Back garden, South Staffordshire
Sept. 2021. Back garden, South Staffordshire

All photographs copyright © Peter Hillman
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