
Whitefly Aleyrodidae

Trying out my Raynox DCR-250 conversion lens again this evening, I managed to get close to this little ghost-like fly which had landed on one of my strawberry plants. At 1.5mm (0.06in) long, one female can lay up to nearly 200 eggs. Note the faint dark patches at the base of the otherwise all white forewings.

Whitefly Aleyrodidae

They are a bug belonging to the order of insects called Hemiptera, and the whitefly family Aleyrodidae. They are sap-sucking insects, and there are quite a few different species which look very much the same as this one so they are hard to pin down an exact species. They can be considered a pest species in some areas. Whitefly secrete sticky honeydew deposits as they feed which fall on to the surrounding foliage. This causes dark sooty mould to develop on the leaves. Also yellowing of the leaves occur due to them feeding on the plant cells.

Rear garden, Staffordshire, England. July 2017

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